
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Monday, October 5, 2015


copyright 2015, Joy Acey


Round ball,
round orange,
round sphere,
what do you find?
I keep turning circles,
can't make up my mind.

   A round shape is one of the first shapes a young child learns.  Look around you.  What round shapes do you see?  Which one do you like the best?  Can you write your own poem about a shape?  Have fun writing.

Respect yourself and others.  When I respect myself, just the way I am...I can love and respect others just the way they are.  Sharon Hackleman


  1. Joy,
    How about a circle of friends holding hands? Maybe playing circle games. I also like circular stories, poems in concrete shape--circle for this one. Lots and lots of other great ones. What fun!

    1. Honest truth, Linda. I'm taking a pen and ink class and I drew that stippled sphere and wanted to share it. It is a good thought though, maybe Laura Purdie Salas will write a series with A Circle Can Be... There certainly are plenty of possibilities. A circle of friends doesn't have to hold hands to be close to each other.Thanks for the thought.
